Our Congress will challenge everyone to predict or provide a pro-active legal solution for the clients' issues either in terms of strategy or potential legislation.
Congress venue
The Congress will be hosted in one of the jewels of the Copacabana Beach. This exquisite location soaked with many stories, offering sunset views, is a unique place to accommodate our challenging discussions and make another story.
Top-notch networking
Network with young legal professional from across the globe. Chat in a group or one-to-one, share ideas, exchange and meet new friends and business partners.
What to Expect?
6 days
6 days of onsite programme filled with empowering discussions
14+ hours
14+ hours of academic learning addressing legal challenges
Multiple networking opportunities with peers from around the globe
Several possibilities to engage in the community conversations
Various occasions to boost personal & professional development
Organising Committee
Bruno Guarnieri Farroco Abreu Advogados
Felipe Katz Katz Advogados
Arthur Stüssi Neves Stüssi-Neves Advogados
Karen Ruback Grinberg Cordovil
Ricardo Gama Veirano Advogados
Helen Valente Figurelli Castro, Barros, Sobral e Gomes Advogados
Marcelo Rhenius Ana Luiza de Sá Advogados
Clara Poglia Schellenberg Wittmer
José Mauricio Carvalho Abreu Farroco Abreu Advogados
Leopoldo Pagotto FreitasLeite Advogados
Fernanda Pacheco Gameleira, Pelagio, Fabião e Bassani Advogados